Sunday 7 December 2014

Junior School Picnic

Next Tuesday the Junior school will be having our annual school picnic- fun day. It will take place at school and each class will move around a rotation of fun activities for the morning. The children will be able to wear mufti for the day, but we do ask that you think about what the children are wearing in relation to the suddenly very hot days we are having- we will have sunblock available but if the children can wear either a rash suit top, or a t-shirt that covers shoulders and arms to avoid sunburn. We will be having a shared lunch after the morning's activities.


In this week's Blog I said that the children need to be in their school uniform for the two nights of the production- actually they may come in mufti- just make sure they are tidily dressed.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Morning Tea

Could, parents please bring a plate for morning tea for the Grandparents Mass on Friday, if you are able to do so, could you please have it in the Hall Kitchen before Mass (9.00). If you want your plate back, please name it..

Tuesday 14 October 2014


I would like to do an activity about where the children live in Rotorua- and was surprised yesterday that there are several children who don't know their address!! Could you please make sure your child(ren) know what your address is and maybe even your phone number..

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Friday Golden Time

Just a reminder that we are having a Teddy Bear's picnic for our Golden Time this week - I have asked the children to bring healthy food, as we are having it at lunchtime, and for most children this will be their lunch for the day. Thanks..

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Week 10 Golden Time

Just an advance warning that Room 8 will have a shared lunch next week - we plan to make it a Teddy Bear's picnic and would love to have a fine day, so that we can eat outside!! We will say some prayers - I will put something in the weekly notices  at the weekend.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Maths Evening

Just a reminder that this Wednesday evening there is a Maths Evening. We would like as many of you as possible to come to the evening- it starts at 5.00 and runs for an hour. If you are unable to leave children at home, there will be facilities to have them looked after.