Religious Education

1 September

  • There is an art competition to mark Mary and the Rosary - more details to come.

10 April

  • Tomorrow is our annual Palm Sunday - Donkey Parade- the children have all got their Palms that they will be waving as 'Jesus' rides the Donkey.
  • Palm Sunday is commemorating the time that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the Sunday before he died.
  • Next week is Holy Week- a very important week in the Catholic Church calendar. There will be several Liturgies culminating in the washing of the feet on Thursday.
  • There will be more detail in the Weekly notices on the blog at the weekend.

29 March.

  • Here we are halfway through Lent already - how are your Lenten Promises going?
  • We have been learning about Jesus this term, and what it would have been like for him when he was a child, compared to what it is like now for our children.
  • This coming week we will be doing the assessment activity for the Jesus Strand and then we will be starting to learn about the Holy Spirit.
  • Lent is a very important part of the Church calendar- we do need to remember why we have Lent, and 'Fast' for 40 days.

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