Thursday 29 May 2014



In class this week we have been learning about Matariki.   We listened to a story a called the The Seven Stars of Matariki
 (Click the purple writing to listen to the story)

After listening to the story we created stars to remind us of Matariki.

We hung 7 little stars underneath to remind us of the 7 stars.
MATARIKI is the Maori name for the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades.   When it rises in the north-eastern skies in late May or early June, it signals to Maori that the New Year will begin.  It's exact timing varies from year to year, but it usually occurs during the month of June. Traditionally, Matariki was used to determine the coming season's crop. A warmer season, and therefore a more productive crop yield, was indicated by how bright the stars were.